BlackBerry OS 10.3 Leaks with Voice Assistant and more

Blackberry's upcoming BlackBerry OS 10.3 has now Leaked with Voice Assistant and much more new specifications to compete against Revels. the phone that includes the upcoming BlackBerry OS 10.3 update is now making the rounds on the Internet. The ROM (build is noted to be non-final and unstable, so we don’t recommend you try it.

BlackBerry OS 10.3 Leaks

However, if you’re interested to find out what the new update brings to the table, ZonaBlackBerry has quite a number of screenshots depicting the changes, which come mainly in the UI and camera departments, like new keyboard layout and colors, redesigned controls, a panoramic mode, and the ability to record 720p video at 30 and 60fps. Also new is an intelligent assistant feature, which is expected to work similar to Apple’s Siri. If these have piqued your interest, you can head on down to ZonaBlackBerry for a more detailed list.

For further more, check out the below links.

Source: ZonaBlackBerry, CrackBerryN4BB


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