Ubuntu Edge smartphone: Turn Into Ubuntu Desktop System when in Dock Station

The new Ubuntu edge smartphone is somewhat different from extraordinary from usual smartphones, do you know why ? it's because when its docked in its station it will be a full featured Ubuntu desktop PC. well dont get amazed that's truth.

Ubuntu Edge smartphone

Well, the handset is currently isn't made  for mass production yet- listed on Indiegogo for a expected $32 million backers, and when finally canonical reaches the goal the production of handset will start ( expected in 2014) and the first backers would receive this handset for a price of $600 each.

The device will also include connectivity features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LTE, NFC and GPS. The site though mentions that the above mentioned features are subject to change.

“Ubuntu Edge is the ultimate convergence device – challenging established norms for PCs and smartphones,” Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu, said in a press note. “The crowdfunding approach is a new way to prove demand for cutting edge technologies and new classes of devices, supporting the Ubuntu Edge is the best way to catalyze the next generation of personal devices from the industry.”

[ source ]


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