Nokia to Sue HTC over Windows phone 8 Design Copy
We know there was enough mess with Samsung to Apple by identically copying Apple design and now once again we are going to meet another patent lawsuit. this time its not about Apple or Samsung, nor Android Vs iOS but Nokia Vs HTC. yes, the new line of windows phone 8 products from both companies are identical and According to a source who has proven reliable in the past for Redmond Pie, Nokia is thinking about suing HTC, alleging that the Taiwan based manufacturer copied the look and design of the Nokia Lumia 820 with the HTC 8X.
The reports are saying Nokia is preparing to get HTC 8X banned in various parts of the world from going on sale when it will launch in November. Nokia has said in reports that the front-face of HTC 8X looks identically same as of the Lumia 820 followed by side-curves of the phone body
The news was already spinning on the web as Nokia's Chirst Weber posted a tweet saying " it takes more than matching colours to match the innovation of the Lumia 920 "
As the Nokia has new two Lumia Flagships Namely Lumia 820, and Lumia 920, and HTC the HTC 8X and HTC 8S, it looks like both companies are going to release the products just after the Windows phone 8 announcement in November and Nokia is going to have to file with the appropriate courts and agencies soon.
[ source : PC-Tablet ]
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