RIM's BlackBerry 10OS Devices Images and Video Alleged

RIM, Blackberry, 10OS, new L and N series devices

Research in Motion's L Series and N series devices makes a first appearance today, which are the upcoming Blackberry 10 OS Based flagship phones, which are about to unveiled in the First Quadrant of 2013, Until Now RIM hasn't Reveled anything much about the included features in Next Gen Blackberry Phones. rather than some included features shows up with the Blackberry Alpha B Device shows up in Blackberry American Jam Conference.

As the video surfaced over the Vimeo showcasing the two devices, but was quickly pulled and we only have screen Shots of it, but they illustrate well the upcoming smartphones. which is still a leak and not 100% credible, but it does look legitimate as if this was made for inside use for BlackBerry to try and sell its smartphones to vendors.

At the first look of alleged video we clearly see two flagship phones, one is Full Touch BlackBerry smartphone, namely the L series, and another handset is a a full QWERTY N series BB 10 phone. while the full touch device shows more resemblance to the BB Alpha B device.

Funnily, the video seems to have been accidentally leaked by Rob Jury, the same person who edited it. Check out the screen shots embedded.

blackberry 10 OS, new Blackberry Full touch

blackberry full touch 10 OS device

new RIM devices

[ source : Crackberry ]


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