Hackers Build a Private GSM Network 'Ninja Tel' at defcon: Distributes Free

At the conference Defcon the hackers has introduced a new private network. which is developed by hackers them self and named as Ninja Tel, it has programmed into HTC One x devices featuring a highly customized special edition Android 4.90.3 version. According to Cnet  The hackers behind this phone is give away this featured phone to those people who has contributed for their community very much.

Hackers Build a  Private GSM Network Ninja Tel at defcon

The "Ninja Tel" network is "the biggest open BTS (base transceiver station) network ever," said Ninja Michael J.J. Tiffany. BTS networks are designed to allow for software-based switching technology that can be housed in small spaces, such as a van.

[source : cnet ]


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