Missed Android Keynote Jelly Bean Part ? Then Watch It Here
sure you are a technology geek by searching and coming here looking for latest news. and also there maybe a little chance to miss the hot live stream from googles developer stream and you want see it again ? then you chance is here as google upload their every part of conference in YouTube channel. and if you cant find it in Google then its here. watch the Google's I/O conference especially the Jelly Bean part. It’ll show you all the Android functions, as well as the Jelly Bean announcement and Google Nexus 7. but its to length video stream so be patient little time or grab a pop corn before start :D The Project Glass demo at the end is more than impressive, but let’s not spoil it for those of you who haven’t watched it. Or little cropped version featuring only Nexus 7 and its features Which was your favorite part of the presentation? please add your valuable comments