Apple iOS 8 is more iCloud based OS, featuring several new apps

Apple iOS is currently the best Mobile Platform with premium features and most reliable security features, after the iOS 7 and followed by updates. it looks like Apple is ready to look forward to major iOS update to next iOS 8, even we might see this new updated OS with awesome features in the upcoming iPhone 6 ?

A recently alleged images of the next iteration of iOS have made an appearance, showing us what the iOS 8 mobile operating system might look like.
Apple iOS 8

According to the leaked screenshots, the iOS 8 will look a lot similar to the current version, featuring square icons with rounded edges. Apart from the design, the image reveals the presence of new applications such as Healthbook, TextEdit, Preview and Tips.

The new apps are said to help users to view, Preview and TextEdit files that are stored in the iCloud. However, these icons seem far from finished as they are basically OS X icons for Preview and TextEdit.

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According to 9to5mac reports, Apple may debut several new apps alongside iOS 8. The additions could include ports of Preview and TextEdit, which are both currently found in Apple’s OS X desktop operating system.

The apps will both feature deep iCloud integration, the report claims.

Apple is developing versions of the Mac operating system’s Preview and TextEdit applications that are optimized for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The applications are said to not be designed to actually edit PDFs, images, or text documents. Instead, the apps are built to serve as tools to view Preview and TextEdit files stored in iCloud by OS X. Apple added iCloud synchronization for Preview and TextEdit with OS X Mountain Lion, but has not yet released iOS counterparts to actually view the synchronized content.

The applications are said to still be early in development, but they are being considered for release later in the year. It is currently uncertain, but still possible, if the new pieces of software will be ready to ship with the upcoming iOS 8.

The report goes on to state that Apple is also exploring new iCloud storage tools that could improve the way third-party applications store off-device data. “Developers have long complained that building App Store apps that rely on iCloud is a complex and unreliable process,” the report says. “This potential future initiative would be designed to resolve those issues.”

iOS 8 is expected to debut this summer at the annual WWDC conference ahead of a fall launch alongside the new iPhone 6 and iPhone phablet.

[ 9to5mac ]


  1. […] it looks like Apple is ready to look forward to major iOS update to next iOS 8, even we might see this new updated OS with awesome features in the upcoming iPhone 6 ?  […]


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