Sony Unveiled the 2012 Walkman series Samsung also Working On Android PMP featuring ICS

Sony Unveiled the 2012 Walkman series Samsung also  Working On Android PMP featuring ICS

There is no bet that there is no android devices like iPod touch as its high quality audio performance. now things are going to little change as Sony corp and Samsung also decided to launch the PMP music players, not only that much more features like gaming with integrate the Android ICS OS. which will be a stunning competitor for the iPod touch model.

Sony has already announced its Walkman F800 Series. Tthe Walkman F800 is Sony's latest PMP. with a 3.5-inch also featured with Android media player which is a good support replacing the Sony's old style player, and also integrated the features like WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity options. internal Storage choices range from 8GB, through to 16GB and 32GB, with 4.5 hours of video playback. The device is company's next flagship, and which will launch in Europe priced at around £210 ($279).

Samsung has not yet reveled their product but as the benchmark results appeared the company is working no a new YP-GP1 Galaxy Player. Just like the new Walkman F800, Samsung’s PMP will run Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. featured with a touchscreen display with 960 x 540 HD resolution, a 1GHz processor and a PowerVR 540 GPU from Imagination Technologies. the device is yet not reveled so maybe we have to wait till the next IFA 2012, the German trade show that takes in Berlin in early September.


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